Vision and Mission

Hampton’s Vision and Mission Statement

Believing that all students will succeed when educated in a positive, safe, and challenging learning environment, the staff and parents of Hampton Elementary School strive to meet the diverse needs of students in its community.  We remain dedicated to teaching children to become successful learners who are caring, concerned citizens.  Hampton will promote the skills necessary for lifelong learning through the implementation of effective teaching strategies, current technology, and parent involvement.

Baltimore County Public School Vision

Baltimore County Public School’s graduates will have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to reach their potential as responsible, productive citizens in a global economy and multicultural society.

Baltimore County Public School Mission

The Baltimore County Public Schools’ mission is to provide a quality education that develops the content knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable all students to reach their maximum potential as responsible, life-long learners and productive citizens.


  • To improve achievement for all students.
  • To maintain a safe and orderly learning environment in every school.
  • To use resources effectively and efficiently.